Cloud Mining Altcoins Best Reddit How Profitable Is Eth Mining

Your logic does not add up. See our Expanded Rules page for more details about this rule. Profit stats for unlisted coins in Awesome Miner? Depending on the prices of the coins or the effectiveness and price of newer graphics cards and compared to the cost of electricity you may earn next to nothing or lose money over the One Litecoin To Usd Best Small Cryptocurrency run. Log in or sign up in seconds. I tell people to mine. You pay them for Bitcoin Mining Profit Calculator Command Prompt Simplex Genesis Mining Reykjavik service and according to alot Cost To Trade Cryptocurrency Ethereum Wallet Download Size users, they do in fact pay. I Calls And Puts On Bitcoin Litecoin Usd Price Now know philosophically speaking and not sure if that is a troll question anyway or if you want to know about the miner or the user I dont mean to buy eth. Thats how I use mining, as a Hobby and safety net to my investments in Cryptocurrency. Do not waste people's time. I tried NiceHash several weeks before hack and I didn't like it, as I was making more by direct mining. Requires comment karma and 1-month account age. Mostly, the market just follows a herd mentality. Using trusts and corporations is a great way to segregate your concerns and control your tax burden. See Simple Questions Thread. No malware, spyware, phishing, or pharming links. There's a chance the coins you buy will go down in value and you'll have to sell them at a loss just to make your loan payments, and then you'll have no chance to pay that loan back with earnings from the principle. Unlike traditional currencies such as dollars, bitcoins are issued and managed without any central authority whatsoever: Just last month its was kind of meh, then Nicehash went down and its killing time. Do not use multiple sockpuppet accounts to manipulate votes to achieve a narrative. They know they can make enough money selling the hash power, so they. I love to study market trends and keeping track of coins though, and that is definitely not for everyone! And finally, a thought just occurred to me Can You Still Mine Bitcoin Bitcoin Ethereum And Litecoin blockchain technology is actually one of the few realms that is actually hindered by a lack of bandwidth, and bandwidth is certainly something that the US is 'short' on, because of the ISPs' lack of competition. Be part of the Nicehash team! On top of that they mine some for them. Bitcoin submitted 7 months ago by iftodaywasurlastday. Mods cannot be everywhere at once so Cloud Mining Altcoins Best Reddit How Profitable Is Eth Mining is up to you to report rule violations when they happen. If this feature doesn't work, please message the modmail. However, even at its worst, cloud mining was still profitable to me as long as I followed one simple rule:. I'm not trying to promote it - I haven't tried to Buy Bitcoin Using American Express Kraken Gave Me Free Litecoin you my code to sign up - anything like. Interested in BitCoin and various cryptocurrencies?

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See the multitude of intro guides for that. Want to add to the discussion? Mining on stagnent can net loss from electricity. I'm close to breaking even with a Genesis BTC mining contract after 3 months and it could continue for a long time. That's why they do it. I tried my own overclocks and there is my results: Because states and financial corps have recognized the value of the technology and are adopting it very very quickly, with states like Delaware, corporate capital of the world already implementing legislation. That's not what I like to hear. No business in this life will get you a ROI in months, stop acting like children. As per their business model and why they decided to go into the business of running hardware for others as opposed to just mining for themselves, I think you need to ask them. You're better off just investing in mining hardware, or just buying coins directly if you think they have upside potential. That was around Thanksgiving. You may not profit much, but profit is profit. Thanks for the practical advice. So I'd be better off using the electricity and getting the cryptos in my pocket over the government getting her money. Submit a new link. CryptoCurrency comments other discussions 3. There are still people who think Bitcoin is a scam or tulipmania. Cassandra was cursed to speak true prophecies that no one believed. New merchants are welcome to announce their services for Bitcoin, but after those have been announced they are no longer news and should not be re-posted. This subreddit is intended for open discussions on all subjects related to emerging crypto-currencies and crypto-assets. No Spam Referral linking is strictly prohibited and will be met with a long-term or permanent ban. Well that's a different story then isn't it, but when the market is booming, cloud mining is balls no? Dell server turned into a dual Trade Ether For Bitcoin Bittrex Geth Ethereum Download. I'm thinking of selling 1 rig amd keeping the. Built with mostly leftovers. I took a big loan I know not advisable but have my reasons. You are always better to take the money you were going to spend to rent cloud mining and just buy the bitcoin. Now, it's true that, until recently, buying directly has been more profitable, just due to price increases. I got my miners recently, to mine mainly eth but anything profitable. It's actually a nice little service. Seems to be working fine so far. Bitcoin subscribe unsubscribereaders 13, users here now Bitcoin To Paypal Or Bank Ethereum Fees High is the currency of the Internet: Similarly, simple questions belong in the "Simple Questions" monthly thread. I think for the most part, nicehash will stay on top of it and it's worth it for most to Hashflare Mef Fees Genesis Mining Hashrate NH and get paid in What Happens To Binance After 5 Years Best Crypto Portfolio Tracker App. See Simple Questions Thread. All talking about stuff 'in the future'. But also to be fair, maintaining it is very easy. It's not always free.


Yes I would have made more if I'd invested directly in BTC, but neither you nor I knew the price would rise like. Why use NiceHash to sell your hashing power? Why banks lend money? Also, keep in mind that your loan payments have to factor into your profitability equation. There's a chance the coins you buy will go down in value and you'll have to sell them at a loss just to make your loan payments, and then you'll have no chance to pay that loan back with earnings from the principle. And this is expressly not true of altcoins, LTC miners made a fortune this past year. But most likely it makes more sense to just buy the coin or as people say buy your own mining rig. Tesla K80, MB available, 13 compute units, capability: Every card can make you money in a bull market as BTC prices keep rising, but shit is going to clean up eventually and the BTC will temporarily crash. Im afraid the market will get flooded with GPUs and we will have to sell "cheap". Cloud crypto mining should be more of a thing, but it isn't. What's so good about the TI Binance Line Meanings Poloniex Token it's Cryptocurrency To Replace The Dollar Ethereum Podcast 2018. It's been only a few months since purchase and no issues with withdrawal. Genesis mining wins from maintenance, they get enough money to get their OWN machines mining for them and they win by selling the hashpower. Now biconnect - that is probably a scam. Any feedback is appreciate it thanks. No Spam Referral linking is strictly prohibited and will be met with a long-term or permanent ban. And then there are the speculation on the currencies themselves, which is at least 10x greater in terms of money invested hence the creation of futures and why you don't see miners talking about signing futures contracts yet. This way you can trade and you can mine, you are somewhat hedged against crash and somewhat prepared for parabolic rise as well, and have an awesome hobby. Keep Discussions on Topic Idealogical posts or comments about politics are considered nonconstructive, off-topic, and will be removed. See our Expanded Rules page for more details about this rule. My experience or approach with high electricity cost USD cents converted is to go nvidia and fine-tune for efficiency. Their hashrate prices are competitive with the current market. I just know they are a good service provider and it is not a scam because I have gotten paid. Submitting links to blogs or news sites which are notorious for this activity will result in suspension or permanent ban.

I thought we were talking about cloud mining. It's been only a few months Cloud Mining Altcoins Best Reddit How Profitable Is Eth Mining purchase and no issues with withdrawal. News articles that do not contain the word "Bitcoin" are How To Add Btc To Binance Fiat Crypto off-topic. Use of this site constitutes acceptance of our User Agreement and Privacy Policy. Can always buy another in future. Bitcoin is Loopring Vs Binance Best Online Crypto Wallet currency of the Internet: If the market crashes, they still get the profits from the time the contract was created. So far, I've made about a third of it back, right on schedule. But if you want to directly mine 1 or 2 alt coins then go ahead, no big deal. Made 2 month worth of mining earnings in a week. You may well be right, Roger Ver How Many Bitcoins Ethereum Mining Nvidia 960 in 10 years time we're all using crypto for everything, but trading markets is about having more information that the other people playing, and I doubt many people who post here. This is beyond good for us. No personal selling of your equipment is permitted. Since MY real mining hashpower kicks in in march, i started with very little. So color me skeptical that it will be adopted by the private sector to the tune of hundreds of millions by the end of Buffet made a ton off. Welcome to Reddit, the front page of the internet. Copy your pool settings in your NiceHash dashboard Verify pool with pool verificator. You can wind up paying as little as a couple hundred bucks depending on which state you're in. You can always sell the parts or rigs on the used market but you will lose some money. I've talked to older people that my family knows. Another version has her fall asleep in a temple, where snakes licked or whispered in her ears so that she could hear the future. And as more apps come online and it becomes easier to use the mass population will switch over and price will go to trillions. Use mining calculators and simulate your returns based on estimating price and coin difficulty increases. That's assuming the value goes up by a decent amount. I also only have one interface to monitor, one software to set up etc, one wallet to secure. Who knows what will happen next. I don't know philosophically speaking and not sure if that is a troll question anyway or if you want to know about the miner or the user IF they scam, they're stupid. Similarly, simple questions belong in the "Simple Questions" monthly thread. A big new market has been created that is innovative and disruptive and far more efficient than existing financial institutions. I'm not a miner. Sometimes you need to take some risks to know if it was worth or not. I happen to also own that company. Well, Genesis is not a scam, dude. Obligatory gold thank you edit. Because some people think purchasing mining equipment on their own is a better alternative. The only thing that makes cloud mining look profitable is the rapid increase in bitcoin price outpacing the deployment of new mining hardware. This is what I think. We've only seen the tip of the Ice Age. Im just hopping that their won't be a fork because it'll make everything drop significantly. Do you mine ETH directly e. CryptoCurrency submitted 1 month ago by quirotate Redditor for 10 months. Become a Redditor and subscribe to one of thousands of communities. Now you have 12k worth of shop with 8k worth of merchandise. Your logic does not add up. These were just my observations with testing, YMMV but it is definitely not profitable.